Disappointment is vital

Katrina Alves
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments. — Henry Ward Beecher

Sometimes we have so many expectations in life. We expect that our life will be a certain way, from our work life to our home life and of course our love life, but these expectations sometimes end in major disappointments. Disappointments often set us back and cause us to dig deep within us to deal with the pain of being let down by someone or something. It is usually when we are faced with the challenge of overcoming a disappointment that we enter a state of enlightenment. Typically, during the enlightening period, we attain spiritual knowledge and insight. Growth in our spirituality often leads to growth as an individual as well. Leading us to even outgrow certain things or people along the way.

As we continue on our journey in life, we learn the importance of every disappointment we experience. Each disappointment has helped to lead us to where we are at, at this very moment in life. That’s the beauty of experiencing a disappointment because when you see it from a positive perspective you can better cope with it. Sometimes disappointments are hard to deal with, but once you get past it you begin to have a greater appreciation for what is to come. What’s to come is healing, lots of self-love, and more work on YOU. When you can truly work on yourself, the magic can take place. Success happens when disappointment and perseverance meet. Success is achievable when you do the WORK, but ONLY WHEN YOU DO THE WORK. You can’t give up because you been disappointed in life, but you can persevere so you can have what you deserve in your life. Remember LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!

Love and light, and remember healing is an important part of life!

